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Brand Strategy vs Business Strategy

Brand strategy is all about creating a strong, memorable brand identity that resonates with your target audience to reach your goals.

Business strategy is focused on achieving specific revenue and resource-related goals.

In essence, Brand strategy is more about the “why” of your business, while Business strategy is more about the “how”.

Brand strategy is centered on creating a strong emotional connection with your target audience, while "Business Strategy" is about executing on specific tactics to achieve your goals.

While Business Strategy is focused on ;

- Promotion- Pricing- Distribution- Marketing- Business model- Expected Income- Scalability PlanAmong others

Brand Strategy is focused on;-Brand Story-Brand Purpose-Mission Statement-Brand Promise-Brand Persona (or Ideal Customer)-Reasons to Believe-Frame of ReferenceAmong others…

Although they may vary in their focus and target, but they often greatly complement each other when building a sustainable global Brand/Business.

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